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Our #1 issue: The 25 square miles of the Cabin John Creek Watershed is 90% urbanized which means lots of roofs, pavement and golf courses where trees used to be.

Most of the rain water carrying pollutants ends up in our creeks and the Potomac River. Climate change has caused an increase of 5 inches of average precipitation over the last 90 years in Montgomery County, Maryland. A record was set in 2018 with 64.3" of precipitation.

To keep up with rising annual rainfalls, homeowners can help by soaking it up and slowing it down. The Montgomery County Rainscapes Program offers rebates to residents who install landscaping projects that reduce stormwater impacts. Visit our Stormwater Solutions webpage and the Rainscapes website for details about how to do the projects and qualify for a rebate. ​ Check out the county’s guidance on planting native trees in your yard to improve the ecosystem, provide shade, and absorb stormwater. ​ Did you know there is a new pesticides law for private lawn care? We all need to do our part to protect our streams and rivers. ​ Scoop the Poop! Dog waste is a significant source of bacteria in our creeks.



Made possible through the Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant program

funded through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund

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