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Land Use Planning

Natural landscapes can slow, absorb, and filter water as it travels within a watershed towards its final destination -- in the case of the Cabin John Creek Watershed, water flows into the Potomac River, the Chesapeake Bay, and, ultimately, the Atlantic Ocean.  Historical land-use changes such as building and farming can have a detrimental effect on water quality, as meadows, wetlands, and woodlands are replaced by hardened and paved surfaces.  As rainwater run-off travels over hardened surfaces, it sweeps contaminants off the land and into water bodies.  This “non-point source pollution” is one of the most challenging threats to our water and environment today.  Careful land-use planning by local governments is one of the most important ways to protect watersheds from the potentially negative effects of land-use change.



Cabin John Trunk Relief Sewer Project

River Road & Seven Locks Road

February 2017 - Spring 2019


The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) and Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRIT) have provided us with the following information on the construction project in progress at the intersection of River Road and Seven Locks Road in Bethesda, MD.


WSSC Contact

Timothy Brooks

Contract Manager, Systems Inspection Group

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission



CJ Trunk Relief Sewer Info Sheet (same as below)


Additional Resources

Project Map (large file; if slow to load, try downloading)

Project Map (Aerial) (large file; if slow to load, try downloading)

Phasing Plan (large file; if slow to load, try downloading)

Presentation: Overview of System Development Charges

Maintenance of Traffic Plan

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