FoCJC: Help Protect the Watershed
Friends of Cabin John Creek is a volunteer citizen group dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and stewardship of the Cabin John Creek watershed in Montgomery County, MD. Cabin John Creek flows through the communities of Rockville, Bethesda, Potomac, and Cabin John, drains into the Potomac River, and ultimately feeds the Chesapeake Bay.
We have developed new programs to inform and work with local communities and homeowners to identify stormwater issues and potential solutions. Find out more about what you can do at home and by the creek.
What's Happening
Friends of Cabin John Creek has developed instructions for installing your own rain planter. Want to help slow down rain water? Check out our info on Rain Planters.
The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection is looking for places to plant shade trees, including yards of single family homes. Soak up the rain and cool your home - Register for a free shade tree
We submitted comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed highway widening project. The Cabin John Creek watershed will be impacted the most by this highway project.
Any creek near you will do... Find out more and Get your free kit at SaltWatch.org
Report Water or Sewer Main Breaks to WSSC
Friends of Cabin John Creek is always looking for talented go-getters who love working for a good cause, sharing their knowledge and experience, and learning new skills. Volunteering with FoCJC -- whether as an intern, event supporter, program organizer, or board member -- allows you to learn more about the challenges and threats facing our watershed and make a difference for the environment. There are opportunities for people with all backgrounds and availability.